
Rhino ClassShutter replacement: SandboxShutter

Because the ClassShutter in Rhino doesn't usually provide enough information to make decisions on whether or not certain Java objects, fields or methods should be accessible, I wrote the SandboxShutter which will enable you to control accessibility for each field and each method of each Java object. The performance impact is negligible, because JavaScript itself is an order of magnitude slower than the injected checks.

The SandboxShutter interface:
public interface SandboxShutter
   public boolean allowClassAccess(Class<?> type);

   public boolean allowFieldAccess(Class<?> type, Object instance, String fieldName);

   public boolean allowMethodAccess(Class<?> type, Object instance, String methodName);

   public boolean allowStaticFieldAccess(Class<?> type, String fieldName);

   public boolean allowStaticMethodAccess(Class<?> type, String methodName);

When the following javascript code is executed:
importPackage(Packages.my.game); // assuming the Java class my.game.Player exists

var player = new Player("Jake");
player.gender = "female"; // this is a Java method!
player.setGender("male"); // this the same Java method.
player.age = 18; // this is a Java field
player.age += 3;

var player = new Player("Jane");
player.gender = "male";
player.gender = "female";
player.age = 19;
player.age += 2;

var count = Player.PLAYER_COUNT;
Player.PLAYER_COUNT += 2;

The following SandboxShutter calls will be made:
allowClassAccess:       my.game.Player

allowMethodAccess:      my.game.Player.setGender() instance=Player@2346
allowFieldAccess:       my.game.Player.age         instance=Player@2346

allowMethodAccess:      my.game.Player.setGender() instance=Player@54326
allowFieldAccess:       my.game.Player.age         instance=Player@54326

allowStaticFieldAccess: my.game.Player.PLAYER_COUNT
As shown, there will be at most one call for each field/method in each object, and one call per class. This allows you to control accessibility per Java object.

Create the SandboxContextFactory:
   public static class SandboxContextFactory extends ContextFactory
      final SandboxShutter shutter;

      public SandboxContextFactory(SandboxShutter shutter)
         this.shutter = shutter;

      protected Context makeContext()
         Context cx = super.makeContext();
         cx.setWrapFactory(new SandboxWrapFactory());
         cx.setClassShutter(new ClassShutter()
            private final Map<String, Boolean> nameToAccepted = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();

            public boolean visibleToScripts(String name)
               Boolean granted = this.nameToAccepted.get(name);

               if (granted != null)
                  return granted.booleanValue();

               Class< ? > staticType;
                  staticType = Class.forName(name);
               catch (Exception exc)
                  this.nameToAccepted.put(name, Boolean.FALSE);
                  return false;

               boolean grant = shutter.allowClassAccess(staticType);
               this.nameToAccepted.put(name, Boolean.valueOf(grant));
               return grant;
         return cx;

      class SandboxWrapFactory extends WrapFactory
         public Scriptable wrapNewObject(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Object obj)
            this.ensureReplacedClass(scope, obj, null);

            return super.wrapNewObject(cx, scope, obj);

         public Object wrap(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Object obj, Class< ? > staticType)
            this.ensureReplacedClass(scope, obj, staticType);

            return super.wrap(cx, scope, obj, staticType);

         public Scriptable wrapAsJavaObject(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Object javaObject, Class< ? > staticType)
            final Class< ? > type = this.ensureReplacedClass(scope, javaObject, staticType);

            return new NativeJavaObject(scope, javaObject, staticType)
               private final Map<String, Boolean> instanceMethodToAllowed = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();

               public Object get(String name, Scriptable scope)
                  Object wrapped = super.get(name, scope);

                  if (wrapped instanceof BaseFunction)
                     String id = type.getName() + "." + name;
                     Boolean allowed = this.instanceMethodToAllowed.get(id);

                     if (allowed == null)
                        boolean allow = shutter.allowMethodAccess(type, javaObject, name);
                        this.instanceMethodToAllowed.put(id, allowed = Boolean.valueOf(allow));

                     if (!allowed.booleanValue())
                        return NOT_FOUND;
                     // NativeJavaObject + only boxed primitive types?
                     if (!shutter.allowFieldAccess(type, javaObject, name))
                        return NOT_FOUND;

                  return wrapped;


         private final Set<Class< ? >> replacedClasses = new HashSet<Class< ? >>();

         private Class< ? > ensureReplacedClass(Scriptable scope, Object obj, Class< ? > staticType)
            final Class< ? > type = (staticType == null && obj != null) ? obj.getClass() : staticType;

            if (!type.isPrimitive() && !type.getName().startsWith("java.") && this.replacedClasses.add(type))
               this.replaceJavaNativeClass(type, scope);

            return type;

         private void replaceJavaNativeClass(final Class< ? > type, Scriptable scope)
            Object clazz = Context.jsToJava(ScriptableObject.getProperty(scope, "Packages"), Object.class);
            Object holder = null;
            for (String part : Text.split(type.getName(), '.'))
               holder = clazz;
               clazz = ScriptableObject.getProperty((Scriptable) clazz, part);
            NativeJavaClass nativeClass = (NativeJavaClass) clazz;

            nativeClass = new NativeJavaClass(scope, type)
               public Object get(String name, Scriptable start)
                  Object wrapped = super.get(name, start);

                  if (wrapped instanceof BaseFunction)
                     if (!shutter.allowStaticMethodAccess(type, name))
                        return NOT_FOUND;
                     // NativeJavaObject + only boxed primitive types?
                     if (!shutter.allowStaticFieldAccess(type, name))
                        return NOT_FOUND;

                  return wrapped;

            ScriptableObject.putProperty((Scriptable) holder, type.getSimpleName(), nativeClass);
            ScriptableObject.putProperty(scope, type.getSimpleName(), nativeClass);

Install the (global) SandboxContextFactory:
      ContextFactory.initGlobal(new SandboxContextFactory(new SandboxShutter()

      // create and initialize Rhino Context
      Context cx = Context.enter();
      Scriptable prototype = cx.initStandardObjects();
      Scriptable topLevel = new ImporterTopLevel(cx);
      Scriptable scope = cx.newObject(prototype);

      // your scripts


  1. Thank you. This works like a charm.

  2. Thanks. I tried it but it doesn't seem to work for static method or static field access. I'm trying to prevent scripts from executing things like java.lang.Thread.sleep(3000); or from calling java.lang.System.exit(1); but your code doesn't seem to work.

  3. Ah... I've figured it out, and hopefully others will see the solution here...

    In Rhino 1.7R3, there's a new method in WrapFactory class called WrapJavaClass.
    It's Javadoc says: Wrap a Java class as Scriptable instance to allow access to its static members and fields and use as constructor from JavaScript.

    I've modified your SandBoxWrapFactory above to include this method and it works to limit access to static fields and static methods of a class.

    1. The same is not working for me... would you mind sharing your modified version? thanks in advance!

  4. Following the last comment above, I've added:
    public Scriptable wrapJavaClass(Context cx, Scriptable scope,
    @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class javaClass) {
    this.ensureReplacedClass(scope, null, javaClass);
    return super.wrapJavaClass(cx, scope, javaClass);

    Does it look correct?

  5. BTW can I consider the code above to be public domain? :)

  6. Firstly, thankyou for this. It is absolutely brilliant and has helped me immensely. As mentioned above, it didn't immediately work for static methods/field access, but through the comments above I was able to get it working.

    To help others out that may be hitting the same issue I created a Gist: gist.github.com/3918084 which has the one additional override for the SandboxWrapFactory.

    Thanks again. I searched for hours on this and your post was the only one that had (nearly) everything sorted out and ready to use.

  7. I'm trying to use rhino on GAE. Thanks for the interesting example of thino security management.
