With physics, it's all about how you structure your data. You don't want to collide everything against everything. How to design and optimize a spatial datastructure is left as an exercise to the reader. Such code is too big to post.
public class VerletMath { // plane <--> sphere public static final boolean collides(VerletPlane a, VerletSphere b) { float dx = b.particle.now.x - a.nx * a.d; float dy = b.particle.now.y - a.ny * a.d; float dz = b.particle.now.z - a.nz * a.d; return ((a.nx * dx) + (a.ny * dy) + (a.nz * dz) - b.radius) < 0.0f; } public static final float collide(VerletPlane a, VerletSphere b) { float bx = b.particle.now.x; float by = b.particle.now.y; float bz = b.particle.now.z; float bd = b.radius; float dx = bx - a.nx * a.d; float dy = by - a.ny * a.d; float dz = bz - a.nz * a.d; float dst = (a.nx * dx) + (a.ny * dy) + (a.nz * dz) - bd; if (dst >= 0.0f) return 0.0f; // impl true bounce, using speed // push out along normal of plane b.particle.now.x = bx - dst * a.nx; b.particle.now.y = by - dst * a.ny; b.particle.now.z = bz - dst * a.nz; return -dst; } // sphere <--> sphere public static final void collide(VerletSphere target, Bag<VerletSphere> all) { int size = all.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { VerletSphere sphere = all.get(i); if (VerletMath.collides(sphere, target)) { VerletMath.collide(sphere, target); } } } public static final boolean collides(VerletSphere a, VerletSphere b) { Vec3 va = a.particle.now; Vec3 vb = b.particle.now; float d = a.radius + b.radius; float x = va.x - vb.x; float y = va.y - vb.y; float z = va.z - vb.z; return (x * x + y * y + z * z) < (d * d); } public static final float collide(VerletSphere a, VerletSphere b) { Vec3 anow = a.particle.now; Vec3 bnow = b.particle.now; float ax = anow.x; float ay = anow.y; float az = anow.z; float aiw = a.particle.invWeight; float bx = bnow.x; float by = bnow.y; float bz = bnow.z; float biw = b.particle.invWeight; float dx = bx - ax; float dy = by - ay; float dz = bz - az; float d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; if (d2 <= ulp_zero) { // sharing position, oh oh! // big problem! if we collide // it, it will explode return 0.0f; } float dMin = a.radius + b.radius; if (d2 > (dMin * dMin)) return 0.0f; // apply spring -> push out of eachother //final float tension = 1.0f; float d = (float) Math.sqrt(d2); float f = (d - dMin) / dMin * 0.5f;//* tension; float f1 = f * aiw / (aiw + biw); anow.x = ax + dx * f1; anow.y = ay + dy * f1; anow.z = az + dz * f1; float f2 = f * biw / (aiw + biw); bnow.x = bx - dx * f2; bnow.y = by - dy * f2; bnow.z = bz - dz * f2; return (dMin - d); } private static final float ulp_zero = Math.ulp(0.0f); } public class VerletSpring { public static final int FIXED_LENGTH = 0; public static final int MIN_LENGTH = 1; public static final int MAX_LENGTH = 2; // public final VerletParticle a, b; public float len, stf; public int how; public VerletSpring(VerletParticle a, VerletParticle b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } // public final float setCurrentDistanceAsLength() { float dx = b.now.x - a.now.x; float dy = b.now.y - a.now.y; float dz = b.now.z - a.now.z; float d = (float) Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); this.len = d; return d; } public final float tick() { float ax = a.now.x; float ay = a.now.y; float az = a.now.z; float bx = b.now.x; float by = b.now.y; float bz = b.now.z; float dx = ax - bx; float dy = ay - by; float dz = az - bz; float dist = (float) Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); if (how == MIN_LENGTH) { if (dist > len) return 0.0f; } else if (how == MAX_LENGTH) { if (dist < len) return 0.0f; } float tension = (len - dist) / dist; float force = tension * this.stf; float aw = a.invWeight; float bw = b.invWeight; float f1 = force * aw / (aw + bw); float f2 = force * bw / (aw + bw); a.now.x = ax + dx * f1; a.now.y = ay + dy * f1; a.now.z = az + dz * f1; b.now.x = bx - dx * f2; b.now.y = by - dy * f2; b.now.z = bz - dz * f2; return tension; } }
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